
Friday, April 26, 2013

'' Romeo and Juliet'

Found Romanian  the bodies of a man and a woman buried Michapky the hands in the discovery of a stunning romantic might call it the name of'' Romeo and Juliet'' Romanians, during excavation work has in the inner courtyard of a former Dominican monastery in Romania. The newspaper'' Daily Mail'' that the British experts from the Institute of Archaeology in Cluj-Napoca Romania discovered already a couple of bodies in a place thought it was in the former cemetery of the monastery, but the discovery of the two young men buried Michapky hands was a real surprise, because the burials double was rare so in this period. It quoted'' Daily Mail'' for Adrian Rousseau, who is leading the research, as saying'' It puzzle is rare for burials at that time and we can see that the young man suffered a serious injury resulted in a broken thigh died because of him probably, and we believe that the cause of injury is he was beaten by a very cruel person''.